Use Form SS-4 to apply for an Employee Identification Number (EIN). EIN is a 6 digit number assigned to employers, sole proprietors, corporations, partnership, and other entities for tax filing and reporting purposes.
IRS EIN Application Form
You may apply for an Employee Identification Number (EIN) in various ways and now you may apply online and it is a free service offered by the Internet Revenue Service and you can get your EIN immediately.
If you are thinking of starting a new business, you will need to apply for an EIN using Form SS-4 , if you are a sole proprietor with no employees then you may also want to apply for an EIN.
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An Employer’s Identification Number is a distinct in nine- digit number that the IRS assigns to business entities that operate in the United States and your EIN is permanent and doesn’t need to be renewed.
- Have a business with employees, including sole proprietors.
- Purchase or inherit a business.
- Start a multi-member LLC.
- Own any business entity that is taxed as a corporation.
- Change the structure of your business and ownership.
You can submit your Form SS-4 on The IRS online application by fax or mail.
Requirements for IRS EIN
You will need to provide the following requirements when you apply for an EIN:
- The name of the person responsible for the business means business owner.
- SSN, individual taxpayer, identification number, and EIN of the responsible party.
- The name of the business and their growth.
- The mailing address of the business.
- Type of business entity.
- The reason for applying for EIN.
- The date when business was started or acquired.
- The number of employees on payroll or expected it in next 12 months
- The date you will start to pay wages and types of business.
- Show the information about business .
If you have previously had an EIN, you will also need to provide it. You can also designate someone else like lawyer to receive the confirmation letter and EIN from the IRS.
How to apply for IRS EIN?
Apply Online:
- It is a free service by the IRS, once you complete the online application then you will receive your ENI. The application is available Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
- You do not need special software to complete the online EIN application, you need to have internet access and an internet browser.
- The online EIN application asks questions and you have to simply provide the answer by filling in the blanks and checking boxes and buttons.
- You must have a legal residence in the United States or valid social Security Number, Taxpayer Identification Number, or existing ENI.
- Either go to and type the keyword ENI in the search Bar.
- The last page of the online application summarises your information, they print the summary page and check the information for error, if any of the information is incorrect then start a new application.
- After all validation are done you will get your EIN upon completion.
Apply by Fax:
- You can receive your ENI bt fax within four working days. The fax numbers are available within 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Within US- 859-669-5760
- Outside US-859-669-5987
By Mail:
- The processing timeframe for an EIN application received by mail in four weeks, one will be assign using the appropriate for the entity type and mailed to the taxpayer.
- After receiving mail your EIN application will be submitted.
- For Foreign Individuals without ITIN – call the IRS international Tax line at +1(267) 941-1099 to apply for an EIN.
- This contact is not toll free.
Eligibility For the ENI
- You may apply for an EIN online if your principal business belongs in the United States or U.S. Territories.
- Candidates should have a valid Taxpayer Identification Number.
- You are limited to one EIN per responsible party per day, The “Responsible Party” is the person who owns or controls the entity or who exercises ultimate effective control over the entity.
- You must complete this application in one session, either you will not be able to save and return at a later time because your session time will expire after 15 minutes of inactivity, and then you need to start over.
- They should create a change in the responsible party, the entity is required to inform the IRS of the change within 60 days, utilising Form-8822-B for the notification.
- You must have a business to develop it and operate as a corporation or partnership , files, certain tax returns etc.
IRS EIN Application Timeline
The processing time for an EIN application received by mail is in just four weeks.and ensure that the form SS-4 contains all of the required information.
You should apply for an EIN early to have your number when you need to file a return or make a deposit, you can get an EIN immediately by applying online.
If you prefer, you can fax a completed form SS-4 to the service centre for your state and they will respond with a return fax in about one week. If you don’t include a return fax number, it will take two weeks.
If you don’t have your EIN by the time a return is due, write “Applied for” and that day you applied in the space shown for the number.Do not use your social security number.
If you don’t have your EIN by the time a deposit is due to send your payment to the service centre address for your state. Make sure that you check or money order payable to Internet Revenue Service (IRS) and show your name, address, kind of tax, period covered, and the date you applied for your EIN.
Based on the information you submit on your application or if you indicate you will have employees, you will be automatically enrolled so you can make all your deposits online or by your phone. Within a few days you will receive your enrollment confirmation by mail.