Costco will pay $2 million to settle a lawsuit over its Kirkland Signature Moist Flushable Wipes. The lawsuit alleged the wipes weren’t flushable and damaged plumbing and sewage systems. To receive compensation, class members must file a claim by August 9, 2024.
Costco Flushable Wipes Settlement Claim Form
A class-action lawsuit alleged that Costco marketed these wipes as flushable when they could damage plumbing and septic systems. While Costco denies these claims, a settlement has been reached to compensate eligible New York residents.
The settlement benefits consumers who purchased the Kirkland Signature Moist Flushable Wipes between July 1, 2011, and May 31, 2017. Under the settlement, eligible class members can receive $1.30 per purchased product, with a minimum payment of $7.50 and a maximum payment of $55.90.
To receive the settlement payment, class members must submit a valid claim form by August 9, 2024. The claim form is available on the settlement website, Costco has not admitted any wrongdoing, but agreed to the settlement to resolve the false advertising lawsuit.
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Claiming Costco Flushable Wipes Settlement Form
To file a claim online for the Costco Flushable Wipes Settlement, follow the below steps mentioned:
- Head to the official Costco Flushable Wipes Settlement website:
- Once on the website, navigate to the section dedicated to filing a claim. It might be labelled “File a Claim” or something similar.
- Follow the On-Screen Instructions: The specific instructions might vary slightly depending on the claims administrator handling the settlement. However, you can generally expect the following steps:
- Enter Required Information: This will include your name, address, phone number, and email address.
- Indicate Number of Wipes Purchased (if known): You’ll likely be asked to estimate the number of packages of Kirkland Signature Moist Flushable Wipes you purchased between July 1, 2011, and May 31, 2017.
- While proof of purchase isn’t required, having this information can help determine your potential settlement amount.
- Carefully review all the information you’ve entered before submitting your claim electronically.
- Once submitted, you should receive an electronic confirmation acknowledging your claim.
- The deadline to submit a claim is August 9, 2024.
Who is Eligible to claim Costco Flushable Wipes Settlement?
To be eligible to claim a portion of the Costco Flushable Wipes Settlement, you must meet several specific criteria:
- You must be a resident of the State of New York. This settlement only applies to purchases made by New York residents.
- You must have purchased Kirkland Signature-branded Moist Flushable Wipes at Costco at some point between July 1, 2011, and May 31, 2017.
- Unlike some settlements, you don’t necessarily need to have receipts or other documentation proving you bought the wipes. An estimate of the number of packages purchased is sufficient for filing a claim.
- Your eligibility isn’t dependent on your current Costco membership status.
- If you have an active Costco membership during the claim period (as of July 2024),you don’t need to take any action to file a claim.
- Costco will automatically identify members who purchased the wipes and distribute settlement payments directly.
- If you were not a member during the claim period or are no longer a member,you can still file a claim.
- Individuals who have already received compensation for the same issue through another lawsuit or settlement are not eligible to claim again.
Costco Flushable Wipes Settlement Claim Amount
The potential payout for the Costco Flushable Wipes Settlement depends on several factors:
- Number of Wipes Purchased: The core determinant of your settlement amount is the estimated number of packages of Kirkland Signature Moist Flushable Wipes you bought between July 1, 2011, and May 31, 2017.
- Settlement Cap: There’s a total settlement fund of $2 million allocated to compensate eligible claimants.
- Pro-Rata Distribution: If the total number of valid claims exceeds what can be paid out from the $2 million fund,the settlement amount for each claim will be reduced proportionally (pro-rata) to ensure everyone receives a share.
Costco Flushable Wipes Settlement Timeline
The Costco Flushable Wipes Settlement won’t be directly “released” to claimants in the traditional sense of a lump sum distribution:
- Claim Deadline: The deadline for submitting a claim form is August 9, 2024.
- Attorneys’ Fees Hearing: Following the claim deadline, a hearing is scheduled for July 26, 2024.
- Final Approval Hearing: The most critical date for determining the release of settlement funds is the Final Approval Hearing, set for August 30, 2024.
- Payment Distribution After Approval: Assuming the court grants final approval on August 30, 2024, the claims administrator will then process and distribute the settlement payments to eligible individuals.