Scotland Adult Disability Payment, Eligibility, Amount, How to apply?

The Scottish government has planned new benefits for people receiving Disability living allowance to ensure that Adult Disability payments meet the cost of living of beneficiaries. Read the article to learn about the proposed benefit, expected launch time, and Adult Disability Payment.   

Scotland Adult Disability Payment

Recently, the Scottish government has introduced the new benefit of providing lining support to the 66,000 adults who have long-term health issues and disability. The proposal of the Scotland government ensures that the Adult Disability Payment benefit meets the needs of the beneficiaries.

Under this proposal, the government said that the eligible people who already receive the Disability Living Allowance through the UK’s Department for Work and Pensions have their new payment automatically transferred to the new Scottish benefit. Then they would have the opportunity to apply for the Adult Disability Payment benefit launched in August 2022.

As of now, the policy of Adult Disability Payment launched in 2022 has benefitted around 137,000 people in Scotland. 

When can you expect the latest Scottish benefit to launch?

The proposal for the new Scottish benefit for existing recipients of Disability Living Allowance is announced but the legislation is due to be laid in parliament this year. 

The proposed benefits will be announced on a like-for-like basis, where the authorities prioritize the client’s benefits.

According to what Shirley-Anne Somerville said, the plans for the novel Scottish Benefit are underway, and the government has created an independent review team (Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment). 

The rates and review periods are upheld by Social Security Scotland for reviewing and ensuring the benefits fulfill the needs of disabled people of Scotland who opt for Adult Disability payment. Role of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment:

  • The independent review team is headed by Edel Harris OBE, the former chief executive of the Charity Mencap; she and her team will review the current Disability Living Allowance and ensure the needy get the benefits.   
  • The chair will submit the interim report by September 2024 before finalizing and presenting the final report in June 2025.

 People can expect the launch of the new benefits and legislative approval in early 2025. The Social Justice Secretary has confirmed that they would work on legislative approval to ensure the affected people will receive the benefit of the Adult Disability Payment till they are eligible. 

Current Adult Disability Payment

The Scotland government provides financial aid in two components based on your needs, you can receive both or one depending on your needs. The Adult Disability Payment does not depend on your income and savings, 

The Adult Disability Payments are divided into two parts –

  1. Daily Living Component: It depends on your capability to carry out your day-to-day activities and chores due to your health condition and disability. 
  • Social Security Scotland will rate your ability to do your daily activities and chores and you will receive payments according to that rating.  
  • If you receive 8 -11 points, you will be entitled to receive a standard rate, and if you receive 12 or more points, you will be entitled to receive enhanced rate daily living payments. 
Daily Living  Weekly Payment 
Standard Rate £68.10
Enhanced Rate £101.75
  1. Mobility Component: The eligible people of Adult Disability Payment receive the payment based on their mobility which can be limited due to their disability or critical health conditions.
  • Here also, Social Social Security Scotland will rate your mobility and decide the payments according to that rating.
  • If you receive 8 -11 points, you will be entitled to receive a standard rate, and if you receive 12 or more points, you will be entitled to receive enhanced rate daily living payments. 
Mobility Component  Weekly Payment 
Standard Rate £26.90
Enhanced Rate £71.00

How to apply for the Adult Disability Payment?

People who haven’t applied for the Adult Disability Payment can apply through the following methods:

  • You can apply online through website. You just need to complete the application form in parts through myaccount. 
  •  By giving a call to Social Security Scotland at 0800-182-2222 between 8 AM to 6 PM on  Mon-Fri. 
  • You can send mail by asking for the paper form from the authority through a pre-paid envelope and then mail it to the authorities.
  • You can take the help of Social Security Scotland’s adviser from a local delivery service to apply. You can make an appointment through a call or the  “contactSCOTLAND” app (if you are a British Sign Language user).

The Scotland government is committed to improving the experience of people who are disabled and have serious health conditions that hinder their lives through the proposed benefit. The benefits can receive legislative approval in early 2025 after the review of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment.  

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