Carbon Tax Rebate Payment October 2024 – Payout Date and Amount!

Canadians receive tax-free payments through the Carbon tax rebate to offset the federal pollution pricing on carbon-based fuels. The citizens will receive the next quarterly payment in October 2024, the recipients expecting the payments can check the details here with the change in rural supplement from 10% to 20%. 

Carbon Tax Rebate Payment October 2024

The Canadian government changed the Climate Action Incentive payment (CAIP) into the Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) in 2022 to a quarterly payment from the tax credit. With the carbon tax, the government intends to encourage people to move towards green energy and reduce their carbon footprint. And the carbon tax rebate was meant to reduce the burden on Canadian households who pay taxes on carbon-based fuels. 

In 2024, the government has topped up the rural supplement payment with an additional 10% hiking it from 10% to 20% to meet the energy needs with the rising carbon tax. The rise in rural supplement in base amount will be coming in the upcoming October CCR payment. 

The CCR is a quarterly payment, which started from April 2024 for 2024-25, the eligible recipients received their first payment on 15 April 2024, followed by July 2024, and now next on 15 October 2024. The last payment of CCR for FY 2024-25 will be made on 15 January 2025 for citizens who filed their income tax returns. 

However, if the 15th falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the CCR payment will be made on the last working day before the payment date.

Who will receive the Carbon Tax Rebate Payment 2024?

People living in Canada who meet the following eligibility requirements of CCR are eligible for the CCR payments:

  • You are a Canadian resident a month before the CCR payment will be made. 
  • Your age should be above 19 years and if you are under 19 you are  eligible for the CCR payment when you meet one of the following:
  • You have or had a child who live or lived with you
  • You are or were married or had or have a common law partner 
  • You live in the following CCR applicable province on the payment month’s first day:
  • Alberta (AB)
  • Ontario (ON)
  • Manitoba (MB)
  • Nova Scotia (NS)
  • Saskatchewan (SK)
  • New Brunswick (NB)
  • Prince Edward Island (PEI)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
  • If your child is registered for GST/HST credit, and Canada Child benefit, your child child credit will also be included on your CCR payment calculation. 
  • The change in CCR rural supplements from 10% to 20% has reverted the eligibility to 2016 Census data, meaning the ineligible citizens under 2021 Census data will be able to receive the rural supplement from October 2024. 

How much will you receive under the Carbon Tax Rebate Payment in October 2024?

The Canadian residents will receive the CCR payments on 15 October 2024 based on the 2024 rise in carbon tax. According to the reports, a family of four can get up to $1800 CCR payment annually in FY 2024-25. The Canada Ministry of Finance has released the following data with the CCR quarterly payment with a 20% rural supplement per province based on the members of the household:

Family Members AB ON MB NS SK NB PEI NL
I Adult $225 $140 $150 $103 $188 $95 $110 $149
Rural $270 $168 $180 $123.60 $225.60 $114 $110 $178.80
II Adult $112.50 $70 $75 $51.50 $94 $47.50 $55 $74.50
Rural  $135 $84 $90 $61.80 $112.80 $57 $55 $89.40
Each child  $56.25 $35 $37.50 $25.75 $47 $23.75 $27.50 $37.25
Rural  $67.50 $42 $45 $30.90 $56.40 $28.50 $27.50 $44.70
Family of Four $450 $280 $300 $206 $376 $190 $220 $298
Rural  $540 $336 $360 $247.20 $451.20 $228 $220 $357.60
  • The above payment chart shows your full CCR payment with the 20% rural supplement applicable to your payment. The eligible recipients will receive the increased rural supplement for April and July with the October payment, hence, the recipients can expect higher payments in the coming October payment. 
  • The rural supplement for Prince Edward Island is combined with the CCR base amount, hence they don’t receive rural supplement separately. 
  • Based on the above table, Canadians can calculate their October payment or use the Carbon rebate estimator available on the Canada Revenue Agency website based on the province they reside. 

What can affect your Carbon Tax Rebate Payment?

The CCR payment may differ from province to province and person to person depending on the following factors:

  • Your family situation change in FY 2024-25 can affect your CCR payment. The changes that can affect your payment are below, you should immediately inform the CRA if any such change occurs in your life during the FY 2024-25:
  • Your marital status has changed
  • You have moved to another territory or province
  • Your child’s age reached above 19, meaning they can claim their rebate
  • The recipient is dead
  • You have a child under your custody and there are some changes in the child custody agreement.
  • You have a new addition in the family with a newborn adoption, or foster kid eligible for rebate.  
  • You owe some payment or existing debt to the Canadian government that may get deducted from your rebate payments. 
  • Your rural supplement payment may affect your rebate payment based on your province and hike in the payment. 

Impact of Carbon Tax Rebate on Canadian Households

The Canada Tax rebate benefits lower-income households the most as the average cost of the carbon taxes they pay is almost the same as the annual amount of the rebate. As per the Canadian Ministry of Finance report, the average net benefits per household are positive.  

For instance, the average federal pollution pricing cost impact is $1056 in Alberta and the tax rebate per household is $1779, which means the benefit is $723. As we go through the report, it seems the average net benefit per household is higher in the Canadian provinces where the fuel consumption is higher. 

The Canada Tax rebate is the payment Canadians get when they file their income tax returns for the carbon taxes they paid. The October CCR payment will proceed automatically to the eligible recipients on 15 October 2024. 

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